Saadiyat Golf Links
Saadiyat Island / Abu Dhabi
7 nights with BF and 5 Green Fees
from CHF 1710.-
Saadiyat Island / Abu Dhabi
Saadiyat Island / Abu Dhabi
7 nights with BF and 5 Green Fees
from CHF 2480.-
Al Mirayr / Abu Dhabi
Saadiyat Island / Abu Dhabi
Saadiyat Island / Abu Dhabi
7 nights with BF and 4 Green Fees
from CHF 1840.-
Saadiyat Island / Abu Dhabi
7 nights with BF and 5 Green Fees
from CHF 2410.-
Abu Dhabi
7 nights with HB and 5 Green Fees
from CHF 2280.-

Hotels & Golf Courses Overview

Golf Travel Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates

18. June 2024

Golf Abu Dhabi

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Optimal travel time
The optimal travel time is between November and March. Then the temperatures are about 20 – 25 degrees. Who wants it really hot, for the best time to travel is rather between April and October. Then the temperature usually rises above 30 degrees.

More about the destination

Customer feedback
Guter Service und Beratung
D. aus Meilen
Wie immer hat alles wunderbar geklappt.
B. aus Gossau ZH
Rundum zufrieden
H. aus Küsnacht
Einmal mehr hat alles zu unserer Zufriedenheit geklappt, danke! Wir werden unsere Golfreisen weiterhin bei ihnen buchen :-)
B. aus Lyss
Herzlichen Dank für die unkomplizierte, rasche Abwicklung. Es hat alles wunderbar geklappt!
T. ohne Ortsangabe
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